What are the structures and components of heat exchangers

2023-10-06 153

Wall type heat exchanger: This type of heat exchanger mainly includes jacket type, immersed coil type, spray type, shell and tube type, and plate type. Among them, the shell and tube heat exchanger is composed of a shell, a tube, a tube plate, and a head. The shell is mostly circular, with parallel or spiral pipes installed inside, and the two ends of the pipes are fixed on the tube plate. In a shell and tube heat exchanger, two types of fluids move inside and outside the tube, respectively. The fluid stroke inside the tube is called the tube side, and the fluid stroke outside the tube is called the shell side. Plate heat exchanger is a typical inter wall heat exchanger, whose core structure consists of heat exchange plates and adhesive strips between the plates.

Regenerative heat exchanger: This type of heat exchanger transfers heat through a heat storage body composed of solid substances. It first heats the solid material, and then causes the cold fluid to pass through the solid material and be heated. There are two types of regenerative heat exchangers: rotary and valve switching.


Hybrid heat exchanger: This type of heat exchanger relies on direct contact between cold and hot fluids for heat transfer. This heat transfer method avoids the thermal resistance formed by the dust on the heat transfer wall and its two sides, thus having a high heat transfer rate.

The heat exchanger of a gas water heater mainly consists of fins, shells, coils, heat exchange tubes, inlet and outlet water pipes, and water pipes. There may be differences in the structural design of heat exchangers of different brands and models.

Article source: Zhongshan heat exchanger manufacturer Www.zsscrn.com